Thursday, July 15

Raising Monarchs...

Meet Moe & Molly! (Not that I know if they are boys or girls!) Here is day one with me of my little summer project! Molly is the little one on the left, Moe is the big boy on the right.Here's Moe...I actually was given Moe by one of my clients yesterday, it seems he is even bigger today then yesterday. He ate a big hole in his leaf while he was at work with me :)
Big Moe, up close.
I would have thought that the Orange and yellow caterpillars would have been the ones who turn into the orange and yellow monarchs, I was very wrong!

Little Molly...

Morning exercises, she is very rolly! LOL! Hard to tell which end is her face! (on the right)
I found molly today while searching for more food for big Moe. I see why they call it Milkweed, when you tear the stems some sticky milky goo comes out of it, caterpillars eat these leaves because it makes them poisonous to other prey.

I also think I found 3 other eggs, it takes 3-5 days for them to hatch, so I will either have more monarchs or...maybe a beetle...spider...who knows, it looks kinda right???
Hey this is my first time!

Here is the 3rd one...

I will keep updating their progress, I guess it takes about 4-5 weeks for them to become butterflies...
Happy Thursday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow you should post on fb too Jules. Will be interesting to watch