Wednesday, August 5

I'm back on the Wagon and this time I have company!

I am excited to say that I have started my very own little health group!
Recently I have made the decision to switch gyms because it was giving me a bad feeling where I was going. I was waiting to have confrontations with people that I had problems with and that is no way to go about something that is positive. So I also decide to stop going (paying) to my WW meetings, this will help off set the gym cost. HOWEVER I really need to be held accountable and weigh in once a week. Sooo there was a few people that really needed to also be held accountable and being that I am a professional Dieter I am happy to run my little "meeting".
I won't mention any names without permission, but I am thinking that we shall have our own little blog soon....after our "name" contest is over.
I have resumed my workouts. I have seen a physical therapist who said that I just have bad tendinitis in an already weak spot in my knee, and NEVER do another squat or lunge (I think I can handle that!). SO I am back in business.
Jefferson (my hubs new name) and I have worked out 3 days in a row. We are shooting for everyday this month and next to try to win a vacation from our new club, (3 days stay at a 5 star resort), the manager said we could totally win because you can only win once and most people who come often have already won, and they have done it with 28 days in a month! I am allllll over a contest. When she was telling me about it, Jefferson was like OH No, he knew he was in for it! LOL I get very competitive and love to WIN WIN WIN!!!!!!
So thank you each and everyone of you who sent me an encouraging email, card or phone call!
It means the world.
I knew that all I had to do was mention I was drowning and I would get many life preservers thrown my way!
Much LOVE!
****And to my "healthy Peeps" I will be checking on you to see if you did your homework****

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